Providence Community Corrections (PCC) changed names the way folks change underwear. It was Camelot Care Corporation, owned by Phil Bredesen, who became Governor of Tennessee, and had investors like Judge Aleta Trauger when it was sold to Providence Service Corporation.
Under Fletcher McCusker, Camelot, whose name had changed to Maximus, became Providence Community Corrections or PCC, a subsidiary of Providence Service Corp, a private probation company that engaged in extortion and racketeering in partnership with Courts in Rutherford County, Williamson County, Lincoln County, Giles County, and offices in Davidson County, Tennessee.
Don R. Ash was elected Judge in Rutherford County in 1994 and began working with the company through the Courts in 1996. As early as 1998, lone Plaintiffs began filing lawsuits, asserting abuse and extortion but the cases were dismissed. In 2011 Judge Ash was a named Defendant in a RICO lawsuit asserting Ash was a partner with PCC in Racketeering and Extortion against citizens via the Rutherford County Court. In 2012 Judge Ash was promoted to senior judge. Judge Chris Craft of Shelby County served as the Chairman of the Private Probation Council, the state entity charged with regulating Private Probation Companies during PCC reign of racketeering. In August 2011, Judge Craft was elected as the presiding judge of the Court of the Judiciary. Crime pays in Tennessee, if you wear a judge’s robe.
Civil Lynching (CL) – The process of, and most likely outcome, when a lone plaintiff, esp. a minority sues a company or government entity; esp. in the presence of a jury comprised of the social majority.
A class action lawsuit for extortion and racketeering was filed against PCC & Rutherford County Tennessee resulting in a 14.3-million-dollar settlement in 2017. PCC was sold to Pathways by Molina in November 2015 and now operates as Camelot Care Centers in TN.
Phil Bredesen failed in his 2018 Senate bid. Aleta Trauger remains a Federal Judge. Fletcher McCusker’s current company, Sinfonia, delivers mental health services to at risk populations.
Hostile History to Hostile Community to Hostile Courts
Corporate headquarters and government agencies like courts are often located in communities with a history of hostility. These forces align to engage in convoluted schemes which can be referred to as New Age Slavery (NAS) comprised of Civil Lynching (CL),Financial Slavery (FS), and/or Psychological Slavery (PS) as evidenced by Providence Community Corrections/PCC and the Courts in Tennessee. Judge Ash and Judge Craft now impact the application of the law at elevated levels while silence surrounds the executives, district attorneys, politicians and other employees, the agents, the community, that actively participated in extortion and racketeering. This community of people elect judges, like Ash and Craft, to office repeatedly. This electorate often becomes the jury pool, committed to keeping subjugation firmly in place.