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The Elderly as Property: Avanté

Subjecting residents at eleven (11) nursing homes to research studies/experiments without consent; Failure to test and treat patients diagnosed with chronic urinary tract infections for UTI(s); Failure to report or investigate allegations of rape; Failure to administer prescribed medications; Failure to obtain consent for administration of and increases in psychotropic medications. Several Avante locations in Florida are currently on the state’s watch list due to complaints, to include lack of care leading to death and poor inspections. When was the last time you viewed the medical records of your loved one(s) living in Avante’? Has your loved one been subjected to hostile treatment, medical practices, or procedures while in the care of a nursing home? If so, submit a form and share your experience today!

Downloads: Avante & Florida Department of Health Partner on Research Study; Inspiring The Culture; Lacks Grievance Process; Lacks Resident Dignity; Fire Electrical SafetyDeath by Avante

A complete list of nursing homes in Florida that are currently on the state’s watch list can be found here:

If someone you know is in a nursing home, If you are thinking of placing someone in a nursing home, Before YOU end up in a nursing home

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